Thursday, June 6, 2013


In the graphic design, geometric design always is the important role. Geometric design include circle, square, triangular and irregular shapes. In the nowadays geometric shape can meet the diverse needs of the human visual. When the geometric shape use of different methods of emissions. It will produce the 3d effect, so that it make the design works more three-dimensional.


Abstraction style is the one way i most like used on design, because when the designer use different bright colors and combine the abstraction shape, usually it will has the surprise dreamy effect. It always used to be the background or one of the improtant elements on the poster design. Certainly, we can use it to be a pattern.

Symmetry design

Symmetry is a one way to design. I always use symmetry design on T-shirt or logo design, because symmetry design could makes people have distinct feeling, like, richer visual experience, more unified experience and so on. Symmetry have six forms to express, namely are up and down, left and right symmetry, inverse symmetry, expand symmetrically,rotationally symmetric, mobile symmetry, emanate symmetry.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Copyright Issues

We can download the images from Internet for free, but it doesn’t means there is not has copyright issues. It is depends on what kind of images you download and what are the purchasers going to use the images.

Where to get the images:

Shutterstock images:
Shutterstock images is one of the largest images download website in the world, you can download many kinds of images whatever you want from this website for free or buy the images.

Term & Conditions of images

A, On web sites, provided that no Image is displayed at a resolution greater than 800 x 600 pixels;

B, As toolbar skins, screensavers and mobile phone "wallpaper" for your own personal, non-commercial use, not for resale, download or distribution;

C, As prints, posters (i.e. a hardcopy) and other reproductions for your own personal, non-commercial use and display, not for resale, download or distribution;

D, As a single hand painted reproduction (not as a printed reproduction) on canvas or other material to be used as decoration and not resold;

E, In coordination with opt-in email marketing. However, Images cannot be used in connection with unsolicited email - or linked from unsolicited email and no Image may be reproduced or used more than 250,000 times;

F, On letterhead and business cards, pamphlets, brochures, catalogs and on pop up and/or panel displays for use in conventions and trade shows, provided that no individual Image is reproduced more than 250,000 times in the aggregate;

G, In the artwork for the packaging of any product provided that the print and/ or manufacturing run does not exceed two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) copies in the aggregate;

H, Incorporated into software as a background image or splash screen, provided that the Image or any digital files containing the Image cannot be unincorporated from the software and further provided that the manufacturing or duplication run(s)of such software (including downloads of such software) does not exceed two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) copies in the aggregate;

I, In multimedia presentations and incorporated into film and video for television and/or internet broadcast, and theatrical display only where the intended audience will consist of fewer than two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) viewers;

J, In multimedia presentations and incorporated into film and video for distribution and/or sale in the home video market, provided that the manufacturing or duplication run (including downloads) of such home videos does not exceed two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) copies in the aggregate;

K, As CD or DVD cover art and/or artwork, provided that the manufacturing or print run of such CDs or DVDs (including downloads of such artwork) does not exceed two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) copies in the aggregate;

L, As part of editorial or advertising copy in magazines, newspapers, books, book covers, textbooks, editorials and directories provided that the print or manufacturing run(s) of such magazines, newspapers, books , book covers, textbooks, editorials and directories does not exceed two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) copies in the aggregate;

M, In eBooks, including multi seat license electronic textbooks, provided that the number of potential seat licenses or end users is fewer than two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) in the aggregate; and

N, As advertising posters for use in promoting the sale of other products (as opposed to promoting the sale of the prints, posters, etc. containing the Images), provided that such prints and/or posters and/or other reproductions combine words and an Image or Images and further provided that the print or manufacturing run(s) of such posters does not exceed two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) copies in the aggregate.

We also can download fonts from Internet for free or buy them, but it still has copyright issues, like the poster for the company, the fonts should be purchased otherwise it will has copyright issues.

Where to get the fonts:
FontFont is the world’s largest library of original contemporary typefaces. It has included many different kinds of type fonts for customers to download. It has the function of search, the customers can easy to find whatever fonts they want.

Terms & Conditions of fonts

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Concept Evaluation

Critique/Analyse the work

This work by Martin Yang from AGIDEALS conference. We can see this nice work is constitue by many traditional pattern, but the designer Martin Yang used strong colour make them had the modern style. It very interesting when we see this work, we can feel the indigenous Taiwan culture and modern style get together this graphic. This graphic use 3 colours, blue, yellow and red, when this three colours constitue will create strong visual impact and create them more modern style.

However this graphic also has some deficients, there are too many elements on the graphic,
when people see it, we can't find the most improtant pattern, at the same time it make people's
eyes confusion.


Review and assess how well it conveys this concept.

My advise for this concept is delete some graphic, maybe some of them are not very improtant, for a designer the most improtant thing is know what is the most improtant graphic you want show, the other graphic are ornament the most improtant graphic, and the other graphic I think it need more mellow and full, course the shape of the eyes are very aswome, maybe the designer doesn't expression his meaning clear, but I think  the traditional art alsoneeds clear shape.

Trends and Designers

Trends of design

AGIDEALS conference is a big public event of graphic design in the world, every year there are many famous designers get together to show their product and share their experience of design.
It always will find the trend of design after you finish listen to the speech, because the AGIDEALS conference include all the types of design, this year include, photo, 3D, cartoon, workmanship and so on. My deepest impression is a designer from Taiwan, called Martin Yang.

Martin Yang's product is the traditional and national way to design, he like used simple but traditional pattern to design logo, also the pattern is simple but he will use the strong colour to expression the logo's meaning. This style is the one of trends in 2012.

This product by Martin Yang, we can see the traditional patterns, all of them are indigenous culture art, they are simple but the designer used the strong colour make it very beautiful. This is the trends of logo design in 2012 I study from AGIDEALS.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Indigo Design Network

I choose the article of Asian Products.

Native American Motifs Blog

Golden State Warrlors
                               1946-1971        1971-1987           1987-1997       1997-present

The Golden State Warriors are an American professional basketball team in Oakland, California. The team was first established in 1945, as the Philadelphia Warriors. In 1962, the franchise was relocated to San Francisco, California and became known as the San Francisco Warriors until 1971, when its name was changed to the current Golden State Warriors. Along with their inaugural championship win in the 1946-47 season, the warriors have won two others in the team's history, including another in Philadelphia after the 1955-56 season, and one as Golden State after the 1974-75 season, tying them for 5th in the NBA in number of championships.

This current logo design, the main is a warrior holding a lightning, the basic of the lightning is the name of the team, as the background with basketball. The entire logo just use the orange and blue colour, clear to show the meaning of the Golden State Warriors.
Warriors is the team of the Golden State Warriors's theme. The warriors showed the team's power, brave and unyielding. The lightning even stand for power no matter in the ancient or modern. The logo colour are orange and deep blue, orange shows the basketball and lightning, as the deep blue shows the warriors appearance.

I think this current logo is the successful design, it sufficient shows the meaning of the Golden State Warriors. From the progress of the logo, i can find its developing, it more strong with the appearance and the way use of colour. 

Aboriginal Motifs

Functions and Philosophies

Principle and protocols
1, Respect
Native people can control their heritage, like, indigenous images, designs, stories and other cultural expressions. We should respected them.
Respecting Indigenous rights to cultural heritage includes,
Acknowledgment of country, Public art - acknowledging land, Accepting diversity.

2, Communication, consultation and consent
The most important in Indigenous visual arts projects are communication and consultation.
Communication is the most effective if each group:
1, Different culture have the different ways to see an issue.
2, Try to understand the different cultural difference.
3, More patience to solve misunderstandings which arise out of cultural differences.
4, Find right partner within a community to consult.
1, Allow time for communication of a proposal.
2, Allow time for decision what should be made.
3, Prepared say 'no' for an answer, but remember don't take it personally.
4, Respect the views of all functions within a community.

Moral Rights and Issues

Moral rights means artists have the rights of integrity and attribution, and the right against false attribution. So before the artists to reproduction or publication their design, it's better to check design proofs of their work carefully prior. There is a example, 
Banduk Marika Djanda and the Sacred Waterhole, 1988 6 colour linocuts, ink on paper 53 cm x 29.5 cm Collection of the National Gallery of Australia License courtesy of the artist.
So when we use Indigenous images, designs or drawing from some artists and designers, that involved the moral rights we should get the community's permissive.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Clash of the Titans

1. Who are the Titans?

Titans is race of the first generation of the god, in the first generation of Titans there are twelve members. They are ends of their children, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.

2. Are the any interesting motifs you see frequently appearing (Eg. Lightning bolts)? How do you interpret their meaning? Can you name a modern version, of this motif, used today?

The lightening is always the most important weapon of Zeus. In this film it was appeared three times. The lightening usually used in the some games and movies.
3. Is your Greek charater in the movie? if so, does the film's interpretation match your research?3)

5. Are any of the characters, in the movie, related (Eg. a mother or father, wife or husband, brother or sister) to your Greek myth? If so, how?
My greek character is Muse, there are nine members in the Muse, they are all of the Zeus's daughters.

6. Is their a constellation of stars named after your Greek charater?


7. How is Medusa killed? Does your Greek character have a weakness?
The strongest weapon of Medusa is her eyes, she can use her eyes to makes her enemy petrochemical. In this film Perseus used the shields have reflective surface, reflecting Medusa's location and cat her head.

8. Sketch at least 3 ideas for your logo and add them to this post.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Melbourne Sports Museum Critiques

The Beijing Olympic Games Mascot

Date: 2008

Artist: Yuanjie zheng

Medium: cloth and cotton

Ideologically in the design of Beijing Olympic mascots for the first time the animal and human image of the perfect combination of stressed people-oriented, people and animals , the concept of nature in harmony Heaven ; in the design concept for the first time the Olympic element reference to the mascot , the creative fire baby from the Olympic torch ; more prominent in the design application to extend the use of personalization . A major feature is the headgear part of the five mascots can be individually developed , the use of more extensive , children can be selected according to their preferences different headdress worn on the head , lively child has become a cute mascot interaction greatly enhanced ; in the number of Beijing Olympic Games mascot is also the most in Olympic history , reaching five , reflecting the Chinese culture is profound . However for me, this mascot's colour is too simple, single colour can't attract everyone's eyeball.

The Atlanta Olympic Games Mascot

Date: 1996

Artist: By American  Designer

Medium:  cloth

Olympic Games mascot is a product of fantasy , designed by U.S. Ke Laofu communications company in Atlanta subsidiary . After the end of the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games , it several times to change the image. Finally, it got a mouth, and eyes shining star ; original slender leg muscle , his face grow a nose . The whole mascot to the dark blue colored Olympic rings are set in the tail and the top of the eye , the spread of a century ceremony of the Olympic spirit . Plus on the crack mouth to reveal white teeth , purple and red and white shoes, which will make up this colorful mascot .
Because this fantasy out of the creature is simply an unable to locate heterogeneous , no one can see it in the end , no one knows what it is , that the original name can only be called , "What is it ( what it is ) . " Open call for the organizing committee for its name and received the reply of the thousands of children around the world . Ultimately, 32 children in Atlanta, the proposal is adopted , Izzy has become the new name . However for me, this mascot's colour was very colourful, and the appearance is too complex, but also there are not enough creative.  

Critiquing Tools

Critiquing Tools:

Art Vocabulary List: 

1, proportion: harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design)
2, Palette: board that provides a flat surface on which artists mix paints and the range of colors used
3, Verticala vertical structural member as a post or stake
4, Environmentalconcerned with the ecological effects of altering the environment
5, Corporate: done by or characteristic of individuals acting together

Adjective List:


1, Primary: coil forming the part of an electrical circuit such that changing current in it induces a current in a neighboring circuit
2, Multicoloured: having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly
3, Complementary: acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole)
4, Dark: devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black
5, Muted: being or made softer or less loud or clear

Principles and Elements of Design List:


1, Stability: the quality of being enduring and free from change or variation
2, Dynamics: the branch of mechanics concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies
3,  Rhythm:  may be generally defined as a "movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements, or of opposite or different conditions.
4, Scale: an object defined on a set of points (for example real numbers) and used for a wide variety of applications


1, Line: a measure of video display resolution or image resolution
2, Clour:  it is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called redgreenblue and others. Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects, materials, light sources, etc., based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra.
3, Texture: in the visual arts, texture is the perceived surface quality of a work of art. It is an element of two-dimensional and three-dimensional design and is distinguished by its perceived visual and physical properties. Use of texture, along with other elements of design, can convey a variety of messages and emotions.
4, Shape: the shape of an object located in some space is a geometrical description of the part of that space occupied by the object, as determined by its external boundary – abstracting from location and orientation in space, size, and other properties such as colour, content, and material composition.
5, Form: this is expression the object's appearance, from plane transforms a 3D.